Monday, December 22, 2014


Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again now. I hope I can write everyday here. Ameen.
My brother, I have friends who have good capability and knowledge in my class. I must competate with them. I should “defeate” them. I know that  I am beginner. They are in front of me. But I will run after them. Must be. I must be able to defeate them.

In Islam, there is an excellent concept. It is competion in goodness (fastabiquu fil khoirot). So, I should do this concept. It doesn’t  only  become theory to me, but also practise.

My brother, I know that I am really beginner in studying about shariah economy. I am also beginner in translation. But I don’t need to say it frequently. In shariah economy class I have studied for one semester. So, it is not short time. So, I must be able to dominate what should I dominate. I must be sure that I can. Not only them but also me.

My brother, I also breake the breakers of my success. I must kill them. Don’t make them come in to my body, my thinking, my feeling. It is very danger. I must get high spirit. And the way to get high spirit is by killing my breakers and also by writing here. :)
Okey my brother, may I can :)

Surabaya, December 20, 2014

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