Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Spare Time Before Narrow Time

 y brothers, just now I got good advice from one of speaker in masjid. He told about hadits Rasulullah Saw that explain about  5 things that we should maximilize and take care. What are those? Those are live before dead, young before old, sick before health, spare  time before narrow time, and rich before poor.  After I look in my life (may be in your life too), I remember  about one of those things, that is “spare time before narrow  time”.

My brothers, let’s look look in our  life. May be we often don’t maximilize our spare time until narrow time come.  We don’t care about spare time. We do other doing for getting fun. And then when narrow time come, we only can regret and regret.

So this way, one of key for getting success and what we want to reach is maximilize our spare time. We don’t  use it for getting fun. We can use it for fun, but better if we only  use  little time.
 Yeah, like that my brother. I hope this can give advantage for me and for all of us. Amiin.

Panceng, Gresik, December 8, 2013