Sunday, May 26, 2013

Don’t Let Our Spirit Lost

My brother, I didn’t write here for long time. The cause is, I didn’t have spirit to write here. When I want to write again, I get difficulties, eventhough writing here is only short writing. Really, to  get spirit again, it isn’t easy. It’s difficult. 

So this way my brother, if we want to be success, our big duty is make our spirit is always strenght. We should burn up our spirit. We should always turn on it. Because, if it’s off for long time, really, It will be very difficult to be turned on. We need big and hard effort.

And then, if we go down, don’t let it happen for long time. And, don’t make our spirit lost. If we let it like that, we will only be dreamer, and never reach it.

Panceng, Gresik, Indonesia, May, 26 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Waiting is Bad Action

Waiting is Bad Action?

May be, some of you will ask like that when you read the title above. Actually, I don't mean "waiting"  here, like when we have appointment. But I mean here, about bad habit that often happen to many people; delay and delay work.

Yeah, Many people delay their work. If they are in sunday, they will say: I will do this tomorrow. If they are in monday: they will say again: I will do this tomorrow. Continously. Off course, it's not good, my brother...

Whereas, if we think deeply, what do we wait when we delay our work or duty? 

Yeah, only simple question. And the answer is  always "nothing". We don't wait anything.

Prophet Muhammad saw has taught us to do work as quick as we can. If we can do it now, do it now. Don't delay to other time. 

He said, "If you are in the morning, don't wait afternoon. And if you are in afternoon, don't wait morning".

Wow, it's really great, my  brother.

May we can implement this excellent Islamic  consept in our daily activity. Ameen.

Panceng, Gresik, Indonesia, May 10, 2013

Monday, May 06, 2013

Reaching Success by Good Way

My brother...

Everyone want to be success in his life. To reach it, some of them do anything without looking whether  it's good or bad. 

Actually, so many example from this case. But I want to tell something that may be we often forget it. What is it?

One of example is we work without paying attention to prayer time. When we are working, and in the same time muaddzin is calling to pray, we still continoue our working. We don't stop it and don't go to masjid to pray.

Really my brother, it's not good for us. Better if we stop it, then we go to masjid for pray. After pray, we can continoue our working.

May we can do this. ;)

Panceng, Gresik, Indonesia, May 6, 2013

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Do you feel disappointed?

My brother...

Do you ever feel disappointed?

Usually, someone will have this feeling because he does anything because of human being. He doesn't do this because Allah.

Beside that, If we doesn't do something because of Allah, our deed will be futile and unuseful. It will be rejected by Allah. We will not get reward, but we get big sin. It's named by "riya'". Riya' is syirik, and syirik is the biggest sin in Allah side.

So, my brother, better if we do anything because of Allah. We will not be disappointed and we will not get big sin. :)

Panceng, Gresik, May 5, 2013

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Effort Because of Allah

My brother...

Effort is very important. It's more important than the result from our effort. So, someone who only think about result but never think about effir has bad view.

Allah look our effort. Eventhough the result is bad, but Allah look what have we done. 

So this way my brother, we should effort, effort, and effort because of Allah. We don't  effort to do a activity for people. If we effort something because of people we will get dissappointed. But if we effort because of Allah, we will always get spirit, calm, and happiness.

Remember! If we make the best of our effort, Allah will give us more. He know our condition. He know what is the best for us. :)

Panceng, Gresik, Indonesia, May 4, 2013

Who is Your Idol?

My brother...

Who is your idol? Actor of movie, singer, or who?

In this period, so many people get wrongness in choosing their idol. Many or most of them choose actor or singer to be their idol. It's really irony.

As muslim, our idol is prophet Muhammad Saw. The good idol is who can give good example in daily activity. Prophet Muhammad Saw is the most suitable person to be idol.

So, now, who is your idol? Prophet Muhammad Saw, or who?

Panceng, Gresik, Indonesia, May 4, 2013

Friday, May 03, 2013

No Success Without Sacrifice

My brother....

for becoming success man, we should make target. And for reaching target we should sacrifice anything. For example, sacrifice time.

 Alhamdulillah my brother, I get this point for today. Since morning, I make target to do several activities. These activities are special activities that can lead me to reach my goal/ideal.

Do you know my brother, I can do it. But, I should take my "sleep schedule". This is one of "sacrifice" in my life.

So, my brother, don't be affraid to sacrifice anything for reaching our goal/ideal. Because, there is no success without sacrifice. :)

Panceng, Gresik, Indonesia, May 3, 2013