Tuesday, July 30, 2013

We Still Have Opportunity and Hope

My brother, we are human being. Human being often forget and do wrong doing. The best man is somene who repent after do wrong doing and never do it again.

But, sometimes there is someone who despair. He think that he can't be forgived by Allah. He think that he can't stop his wrong doing/sin/immoral.

My berother, really it's wrong. We still have oppurtinyt and hope. Doomsday still doesn't happen. Our soul is still not taken by angel. So, we still have oppurtinty and hope. Allah still open His repentance door.

Once again, we still have opportunity. :)

Surabaya, Indonesia, July 30, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Are we Better Than Animal?

My brother...

As human being, we are different with animal. We are given big mercy by Allah. Allah has given us brain and heart. By this, we can create civilization in the world.

But, we can look many people are crueler than animal. Eventhough have heart, many people kill other people cruelly. Beside that, many people eat food greedier than animal.

How about us? Are we like animal? Are we better than animal? Are we same with them? Or, are we worse?
Surabaya, July 26, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Way to Get Spirit

My brother....

So many challenges in the world. If we can't pass away on it well, we will get problem in oir life and will never be success.

The biggest challenge come from our self. For example, we are lazy to do an activity or we are afraid to do it.

My brother....

I get good motivation word from one of motivator Indonesia. He is Mr. Faqih Syarif. He said that we should do what we are lazy and afraid to do it. Do and do it. We force ourself to do it. For the first time, we don't enjoy it. But after that, we will enjoy it.

May we can do it.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Strongest Motivation

Spirit/motivation is very important in our life. Without motivation, we can't live well. We will live like a dead man. We can't give many advantages to other persons.

By high spirit/motivation, we can live happily, we will get happiness, and we will enjoy our life.

There are 3 kinds of motivations. Material motivation, emotional motivation, and spritual motivation. Material motivation is the weakenest. Emotional motivation is stronger than material motivation. And, the strongest motivation is spritual motivation.

So this way, if we want to get strong motivation, we should use spritual motivation. Material and emotional motivation are important. But, spritual motivation is most important.

Surabaya, Indonesia, July 20, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Good and Bad Discussion

My brother...

Discussion is very important. By discussion, we can get more knowledge. We can also advise other person who discuss with us.

But, sometimes, discussion change to be debate. And sometimes. when we debate, we don't look for truth, but we look for winning.

If we discuss or debate only want to look fir winning, our discussion/debate will be broken. It will not give us advantage, but will give us broken in relation. Good relation is more important than winning in discussion/debate.

So, good discussion is discussion that's done only for looking truth and advise other people. We shouldn't break our relation. We should stop our discussion if it change to be debate that only give broken to us.

May we can keep our intention when discuss, only for looking reward from Allah, looking truth, and advise people. :)

Surabaya, July 19 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Importance of Reading and Writing

My brother, reading and writing are very important for us. By reading, we can get much knowledges. We can have a lots of knowledge in ourself. So, we can know where is something good and where is something bad. We also can live happily by knowledge.

If we don't have knowledge, we will be like animal. Animal can eat, drink, sleep, and the other activity. But, they don't have knowledge. So, if someone doesn't have knowledge, he is like animal.

My brother, writing is also important. By writing, we can spread our knowledge. We can share our knowledge to other people. By this way, we can get happiness and will get reward from Allah. If we still can't give money to the others, minimally, we give knowledge to them by writing. We can write in magazine, newspaper, blog, facebook, twitter, and the other media. So, other people can red it.

My brother, by writing, actually, we don't only spread our knowledge, but also we learn and learn. Yeah, writing make us understand well and deeper than before.

And than, in the last my writing I want to tell that reading and writing activity can't be separated. Both of them must be there in our self. We should do both of them. Because if we don't do ilke that, it will not be balance and will not be maximal.

Surabaya, Indonesia, July 17, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wake Up and Wake Up

My brother.....

I get good motivation from ust. Faqih Syarif. He is one of spiritual motivator in Indonesia. He ever said in a radio that we should wake up, wake up and wake up when we fall down.

He said,

 " If you fall down 3 times, wake up 4 times...
   If you fall down 4 times, wake up 5 times..
   If you fall down 5 times, wake up  6 times.."

So this way, don't give up to wake up eventhough we always fall down. Amount of waking up must be better than amount of falling down.

If we have priincip like this, insyaAllah we will be success in the world and hereafter.

May we can always wake up and wake up when we fall down. :)

Panceng, Gresik, July 14,  2013

Maximilize Ramadhan by Reading Quran

My brother, Ramadhan month is coming to us for this moment. May we can make Ramadhan in this year better than last year. Amin.

My brother, Ramadhan is also called by Quranic month. Why? Because, The first verse that was revealed to prophet Muhammad happened in Ramadhan month. Allah said in Al-Baqarah, "Unzila fiihil Quran", "Al-Quran was revealed (was gone down) in it (Ramadhan month)".

So this way my berother, we should read Al-Quran frequently. If we can, read it untill ending of surah. Or, we can also call it by "khatmul Quran". Minimally, we can do khatmul Quran once in this month.

My brother, by reading Quran, our heart will be calm. Al-Quran can water our heart like we water plants. After reading Quran, our heart will be cool and soft.

Beside that, by reading Quran, we can get much and big rewards from Allah. one font will be given 10 goodness. Really, it's wonderful. Morover we do it in Ramadhan month, wow, really amazing. Allah eading will multiply it many times as He want.

Subhanallah...may we can maximlize this month by reading Quran frequently. Amiin.

Surabaya, July, 16,  2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

keep Intention in Writing

My brother....

If we want to be writer, we should keep our intention. Our intention is only for reaching reward from Allah, not for other. 

My brother..

Many from us, forget about this. For the first time, may be they remember. But, when they begin to write, their intention change. May be they want to be surprised by other person, want to get money, wtc.

Or, may be, when they write, they still can keep their intention. But  after writing, their intention change because there is someone praise them, or because other reasons. 

May we can keep pur intentions before, while, and after writing. Amiin.

Panceng, Gresik, July 11, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Keeping Listening, looking, and Feeling

My brother....many of persons don't care about their listening, their looking, and their feeling. Most of them may be don't  know that Allah will ask it in hereafter. or may be, they know it, but they forget or pretend to forget.

Yeah, as good moslem, better for us to keep what we listen, what we look, and what we feel. Because, Allah will ask it in judgement day.

Actually, it's advice for us. You and me, esspecially me. :)

May we can keep it. :)

Panceng Gresik, Indonesia, June 10, 2013