Thursday, January 05, 2012

There is no Impossible

My brother...

Just now, I read a book that's written by Oki Setiana Dewi. He is artist who portray as Anna Al-thafun Nisa' in film entittled "Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (KCB)".'s suitable word to be said when I read Oki's book. Very full of inspiration and motivation. Actually, Oki only tell about her story, but he write well and be able make her writing become enjoyable writing.

There is one point that I want to write here. She often write her dreams/goals in her diary. When she was still in Junior High Scholl / Senior High Scholl, she had dream to be artist and in the film she act with Dedy Mizwar. And, she write it in her diary. In that's time, it's like impossible. Yeah, she write that in that book. And you know, in KCB's movie she can do it. She Become Anna, and Dedy Mizwar become her father. Subhanallah.

So, I look my self. I ever write in this book that I want to be like Dr. Hamid Fahmi Zarkasy and Dr. Adian Husaini. They are writer and speaker in many workshop. May be, this is impossible.  But, when I read Oki's book I think that it's not impossible. So, it's possible. There is no possible if Allah give permission (ridha). May I can reach this dream. Amiin.

Ponorogo, December 5, 2012

Monday, January 02, 2012

Doing is Better

Whatever happen to me, but, I want to write here that I want to be better. I know anything about me what has happened. But I want to do what must I do. Doing is better than giving statement of regret.