Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Don’t Blame Environment

My brother, when we don’t  get our dream, some of us may be blame environment around us. We blame place that we live. The question is, is it right?

My brother, actually, the problem is not about place and environment. I also agree that place and environment are very important for us and also can give big influence t us. But my brother, don’t  only look from this side. Don’t only think that place and environment is the biggest problem and the biggest cause. 

We can check again. May be, the biggest problem comes from ourselves, not from place and environment. The proof is, so many people live in jail for long time, but they can make very good books. For example is Ibnu Taimiyah. He can make  high quality books eventhough he live in jail. It is only one example. So many examples that I still can’t mention here.

Just now, I read a good book that is written by kang Abik and his friends. The tittle is, “Catatan Motivasi seorang Santri”. There is good statement that I want to quote here.
“If we have negative thinking to this world; so failure, suffering, and negative things will happen to us. But if we have positive thinking and be optimist; so this life will be happy for us”. “Actually, the problem is not this world, but our thinking”. “Our successful in this world is decided by our thinking. If we are optimist and have positive thinking, so successful will be near with us. But if we are pessimist and have negative thinking, so successful will be far from us.” (page 73)

So, don’t blame environment! :)

Panceng, Gresik,  February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Danger of Low Spirit in Long Time

 My brother, our conditions often change. Sometimes it is in high spirit, and sometimes in low spirit. When we are in high spirit, we will do anything that can make us reach our dream all times until we forget time. But, when we are in low spirit we will don’t do anything. We will forget to our dream. Or maybe we remember our dream, but we don’t have power to do anything.

My brother, when low spirit comes only a moment, it doesn’t matter. It is problem too, but not big problem. It will be big problem when it happens in long time. It will be danger. Very danger. Moreover, it makes us really forget to our dream. It makes us always in low spirit. High spirit never comes. 

So this way, we should be careful when low spirit come to us for long time. It can “kill” us. We should try to avoid it. We should effort to make our spirit in high level. When it goes down we should try to lift up it.

My brother, really it is not easy for us. May be when I write this, I get easy to write it. But it will be difficult when I practice it. Yeah, not only me but also you. May be when you read this writing you will say that it is easy. But really, it will be difficult. Morover, if we want to keep it and want to be consistant. But insyaallah, difficult thing will be easy :)

Panceng, Gresik, February 10, 2014