Friday, December 05, 2014

What is Islam

What is my opinion about Islam? This question was asked to me. So I will answer this question by my perception and what I have known.

I think, Islam is only true religion and the other religion are wrong. I said like this is not because I am muslim. But, I have conclusion like this Because I study about Isla as religion. And also, because so many people in this world have converted to Islam.

How can I say that Islam is only true religion? To answer this question we should remember one thing, that the true religion can be looked from it’s holybook. When I compare holybook of hply Quran with other holybooks are so different. The other holybooks have so many weakness. When we open the other holybooks like bible, etc we will get conclusion that those holybooks was not made by God, but it was made by human being.

And then, how about al-Quran? When we open al-Quran in the “preface” (second first from suraah al-Baqarah) we will get amazing statement: “There is no doubt in al-Quran”. Imagine this. Allah as God said that no doubt in al-Quran. If this statement is made by human being, it is impossible and unreasonable. Why? Because usually, if we open preface of books the author will say that they have weakness and other similar statements.

Hm...actually I want to write more about proof that al-Quran is true holy book and was not made by human being. But unfortenately, I have no more times.

As a conclusion, I will tell you that only muslim who can enter to paradise. It is not like some intelectuals who said that every people can go to paradise. Once again, only muslim who can enter to paradise.

Surabaya, December 5, 2014

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