Sunday, September 01, 2013

Be Rich Man, Why Not?

My brother, many people are afraid to be rich man. Why? Because they think that if they are rich man, they will be busy in the world and forget to hereafter. They give example companion of Rasulullah Saw who was poor man and be rich man caused by Rasulullah pray. Before be rich man, he was very diligent to go to masjid. He never prayed 5 times in a day in home. He used to pray in masjid. But after he became rich man by owning many goats, he was busy to manage his shepherd. Then, he often came late to go to masjid. After that, sometimes he doesn't pray once in a day, then in a week, and the last he never pray at all in masjid.

But my brother, companions of Rasulullah saw is not only him. So, we also can take example from other Rasulullah companions who still obey to Allah and be top companion of Rasulullah cause they alm in struggle of Islam. We can mention some names. They are Abdurrahman bin Auf, Utsman bin Affan, and the other. Really, their contribution in struggle of Islam are so big. We can imagine, how much Abdurrahman bin Auf give his money for budget in some war? How much Utsman bin Affan using his money for helping poor man?

My brother, if we have much money, we can get many rewards from Allah. Allah explained in Al-baqarah that if we give alm, it's like we plant one seed. The seed can be tree and produce 7 branchs. Every branchs produce 100 fruits. So, our alms will be multiplied 700 times by Allah. Wow..

Beside that, Rasulullah Saw ever explained that there are 3 kinds of deed that can flow it's reward to us untill doomsday eventhough we are dead. It's useful knowledge, pious child, and "as-shadaqah al-jariyah". "As-shadaqah al-jariyah" is alms that we give to build masjid, build boarding schools, and other. The reward from this special alms will flow to us untill doomsday eventhough we are dead.'t it very amazing???

So my brother, don't be afraid to be rich man. Because if we are rich we can get a lot of rewards from Allah that can make as "member" of heaven in hereafter.

Surabaya, Indonesia, September 1, 2013

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