My brother, life in the world is only temporary.
Life in the world is only a moment. The real life and the eternal life is
hereafter life. This life (life in this world) is only field to plant godness
so we can harvest it later in hereafter.
In this era the oldest man who still live maybe is
100 years old. But the average of age people
is 60 years old. And now, let’s compare with life in hereafter. One day
in hereafter is like 1.000 years in this world. So, our age in this world does
not reach one day in hereafter. Subhanallah. Really, world life is only
So this way, Allah messenger ever said that the
cleverest man is someone who always remember about death and prepare well to
face death. Why? Because death is door for entering hereafter.
My brother, Let us prepare ourselves. Let us make
the best action and deed in this life. Because our deeds in this life will be
“gun” for us for saving us from hell.
May we can enter heaven and save from hell. Ameen.
Panceng, November 4, 2014
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