Sunday, November 30, 2014

Advice For Us

My brother, our life is only once in this world. So this way, we should do and give the best. This life will end if angel take our soul, so we should give excellent serveng to our God, Allah.

My brother, we should give sign in this world. Good sign, best sign. The sign can be our writings, can be our school that we make, by our students who coninoue our struggle, etc. The most important, we should give good sign in this creation/world.

My brother, when we are birthed to this life, people around us laugh. So, when we die make them cry. Make them sad to our died. Make them feel that we are good man, helpful, etc. How the way? The way is we spread godness to them. If we have a lot of money we can spread our money by giving alm, etc. If we have knowledge we should spread our knowledge by teaching them. If we have power we should help them when they need our power.

 We also should smile when we meet them. We should speak by good way with them. We should  greet them when we meet them in the way or in other places. We should make them save and calm with our presence. Make them miss us if we leave them. So, our presence is useful for them. We don’t give them badness, but we give them goodness, love, and other positive things. ;)

Surabaya, November 30, 2014

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Brave to Face New Challenge

My brother, we should be better, better, and better than before. Today, must be better than yesterday. Tomorrow, must be better than today. It is sign that we thank to Allah. Allah has given us more time (additional time) for live in this world. So we should have something better in many aspects.

One of way to do it, we should brave to try something new. We should not affraid to get new challenge. It can educate us. It will teach us. So we can be better in many aspects, not only one aspect.

My brother, new challenge will give us more spirit. It will make our motivation be higher, so we will think deeper and effort harder than before.

If we brave to face new challenge, we will get big oppurtinity to move orselves to be more progressive. We can be better than before. We will get more “achievement” in our life.

May we brave to face the new challenges in our life. Ameen.

Surabaya, November 29, 2014  

Thursday, November 20, 2014


My brother, alhamdulillah I write again. I want to write here. InshaAllah it is very important for us. I want to write after I realize that what I thinked yesterday is wrong.

Yesterday, I  worried about my future especially about my healthy and my body condition. Can I get healthy so I can be success and spred many advantages to others? Or, something bad will happen to me? It make me pesimist in facing this life.

But alhamdulillah after that I realize that I should have positive thinking for my future. What I worry still doesn’t happen. And may be, it is wrong. It is only my bad and negative thinking. I realize that I still can pray to Allah. I have Allah. I can ask the best condition to me. Allah can do anything. Very different with human being.

So, we should be optimist in facing this life, whatever our condition. We should have positive thinking to our future. Allah said, “Ana ‘inda dzannii addii bii”. “I am in My creature perception/beliefe/thingking”. So, we have should positive and good thinking/perception about our future. J

Panceng, November 20, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Will we repeat Again our Mistakes?

My brother, in  facing this life we  get so many challenges. So this way, we should be carefull. If we are not carefull we will fall down and get difficulty to wake up.

So many  happenings  that give us warning. There are many stories become reminder to us. Don’t we take it as learning and then we avoid from it? If we have known it, will we do it again? Will we repeat again? Do we want to fall down twice or more in the same place?

Those are questions that we don’t need to answer. But it become our reminder, because we often get challenges in this world. We also get many examples to avoid bad thing. But usually, we don’t care it. Usually we fall down in the same time. Not only. Twice, three times, four times, or five times, but many times. Uncountable.

May we can make ourselves better han before. Ameen.

Surabaya, November 14, 2014


Alhamdulillah my brother, I write again. I hope what I write here  can give many advantages to me and also  to other people who read this.

My brother,yesterday, I was sick. I was headache and my body is hot.  But alhamdulilah now I get better. It remind me about saying of Ibnu Umar. Utilize your healthy time before coming your sickness. Subhanallah. So this way, I should maximilize my time now, because when I was sick yesterday I could not do anything.

My brother, I remember what Jamil Azzaini, Indonesian motivator wrote said in his training. Success is not enough. We also should own glory. What he mean? He mean that we should not satisfied when we get success. We should spread godness and something that can be useful  to others. What can we spread? We can spread property (money, etc), words (book, speech, etc), and love.

If we have much money we can give alms to orphan, poor man, etc. If we have knowledge so we can teach other people by teaching in the class, by delivering speech, by writing in a book or in internet (blog, facebook, twitter, etc). Or, we can spread our love others like helping them, make the other people problem can be solved, etc.

Okey my brother, may we can get success and glory in our life. Ameen.

Panceng, November 18, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014


My brother, now I am in Surabaya again. Tomorrow I will study in my campus, UINSA Surabaya in postgraduate program for shari’a econmy program. Just now I joined Mr. Mashud and Mr. Damanhuri by car because Mr. Mashud taught in Panceng and bringing car, so I join him. Alhamdulillah. :)

My brother, in the car I discussed and talked about anything with Mr. Mashud. About shari’a economy, STAIL, etc. I also read a book that is written by Adiwarman Karim. The tittle is “Microeconmy in Islam”. I read about dinar and dinar in Islam.

I write like this doesn’t mean that I want to show off. I only want to tell that we should maximilize our times for godness. I tried to practice it, because I have known about this but I seldom practice it.

I still remember saying of Ibnu Umar, “If you are in morning, don’t wait untill afternoon and if you are in afternoon don’t wait untill morning. Utilize your healthy before coming your sickness, utilize your youth before coming your old, and utilize your life before coming your death”. MasyaAllah, it is full by inspiration. If we can practice it in our life, very useful.

I also remember about arabic wise word, “Time is like sword. If you don’t cut it you will be cut”. It tell about importance of time in our life. Because time is key of success. So this way Allah in al-Quran surat al-‘ashr swear by time. “wal ‘ashr”, “By time”, He said. Subhanallah. May we can maximilize our times. Ameen.

Surabaya, November 13, 2014


My brother, now I am in Panceng, Gresik. At about 01.30 pm I arrived here. The condition in Surabaya and this place is so different. Not only about weather, but also the other; like spirit for prayer, etc. It is caused by some reasons; like people who live here, the program etc are very different. And off course, it influence me. So this way, It is the reason many writers and speakers said that environment infulence us. We become good man or bad man is decided by our environment.

But my brother, environment is not decider of our success. Environment is only means to get success. The decider of ourselves is ourselves not others. Yeah, I think like that.

Panceng, November 9, 2014

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Best People

My brother, everyone in this world must do  mistake. Nobody save from mistake. But my brother, best people who do mistake are they who repent and never do it again.
Best people are not people who never do mistake, but they are who do wmistake and repent quickly and never repeat it again.

My brother wrongness and forgetfull is chracteristic of man. Man or human  in arabic term is “insan”. Insan is derived from “nasiya-yansa-nisyan” that has meaning “forget”. The other meaning from forget can be wrong. So, from it’s name man or human has big potension to do mistake.

So, we still have opportunity to be best people before death “visit” us. Dont’ worry. J
Who are best people? They are people who do mistake and then they repent quickly. They are not people who never do mistake.

Surabaya, November 8, 2014

Life in the World and Hereafter

My brother, life in the world is only temporary. Life in the world is only a moment. The real life and the eternal life is hereafter life. This life (life in this world) is only field to plant godness so we can harvest it later in hereafter.

In this era the oldest man who still live maybe is 100 years old. But the average of age people  is 60 years old. And now, let’s compare with life in hereafter. One day in hereafter is like 1.000 years in this world. So, our age in this world does not reach one day in hereafter. Subhanallah. Really, world life is only temporary.

So this way, Allah messenger ever said that the cleverest man is someone who always remember about death and prepare well to face death. Why? Because death is door for entering hereafter.

My brother, Let us prepare ourselves. Let us make the best action and deed in this life. Because our deeds in this life will be “gun” for us for saving us from hell.
May we can enter heaven and save from hell. Ameen.

Panceng, November 4, 2014


My brother, I get information that my neighbour was dead because of drinking alcohol and consume drug. I so surprise when I listen abour his death, because he is still young. But I more surprise because his death was caused by alcohol and drug. My friend said that docter explained that there is problem is his  brain caused by drinking alcohol and consuming drug.

It give learning and warning to us that drinking alcohol and consuming drug can cause death. So this way it is forbidden by Allah. It is also prohibited by many countries in this world, because it is very danger to human life.

Hm...may we save from it. Ameen.

Panceng, November 5, 2014


My brother, yesterday I got information from Mr. Dzikrullah, lecturer of Shariah Economy in STAIL Surabaya. This information is very important for me.

He told that his uncle, Dr. Imam Ghzali (my lecturer of Arabic language in UINSA Surabaya) is very diligent in reading book. When he goes home he does not sleep directly. He takes a book and read it untill he is tired and sleepy. He wakes up at two o’clock. Then he prays midnight prayer (tahajjud). After prayer he read again untill subuh.

MasyaAllah. It is very amazing. I remember about activity of ulama in the past time like Imam Nawawi and the other. But in this era I also find someone who has spirit like ulama in the pas time.

He is my lecturer, Dr. Imam Ghazali. MasyaAllah. May I can imitate him. Ameen.

Panceng, November 3, 2014


My brother, In this morning I was asked to be master of ceremony in program of stadium general in our campus. Alhamdulillah I did it and inshaAllah I have tried to give the best. I don’t know, my “action” is good or not. The most important I have trained and prepared maximally. InshaAllah.

My brother, I met and talked with Dr. Iskandar Ritonga  as speaker. Do you know my brother? He is my lecturer in my post graduate class. Alhamdulillah , it will strenghten pur relation. InshaAllah.

I also talked more with Mr.Dzikrullah as moderator. He is new lecturer in STAIL (Islamic College of Luqman al-Hakim Surabaya). We also talked about shariah economy in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei.

Okey, may this writing can give advantage to us. Amiin.

Surabaya, 2 November 2014

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Keep Spirit by Remembering Death

My brother, I get one wisdom that it is important for our life. It is about way for keep spirit and have high motivation and also how to make the best.

The way is we remember about our death. We don’t know, when Allah will take our life. We don’t know when angel of death “kill” us. It can be tomorrow or after this. Rasulullah ever explained that we should do anything like we will die tomorrow. So, because we feel that we will die tomorrow, our action is the last action. Our deed is our last deed. So, we must do the best, because it is the last.

My brother, actually death is mystery for us. When we pass our day actually our age is decreased. Our age is decreased every day. It mean that we will die soon, nearer than before.

My brother, many people (may be we are part of them) forget abot death. We get fun and never think about it. We live like we live forever in this world. We forget that after this life will come real life. It is hereafter life.

So my brother, I urge to us, especially myself to remember about death more than before and we should make the best of our deed. May be we will die timirrow, after tomorrow. Or may be today. We don’t know it. It is msytery.

Panceng, October 20, 2014

Prefer al-Quran

My brother, I only to tell you about a suggestion from my teacher. He said that we should make al-Quran number one in our daily schedule.

 So, if there are two important activities, between al-Quran and a activity we should choose al-Quran be number one. After memorizing/reading al-Quran we can do the other activity.

Mr brother, I have tried it and so difficult. Sometims I can and sometimes I can not. But really, when I can do it well, I get calm in my heart. I also get happiness. Subhanallah. MasyaAllah.

Hm....Let’s try it J

Panceng, October 2, 2014

True Success

Everyone in this world want to get success. They want to reach what they dream and they want to get what they want. But, many people only dream and never take action. It make them only become dreamer and never reach their goal.

So this way, for reaching success we need action. We do and effort hard. We do maximally anything that can reach our dream. For example, if we want to be master in playing football so we should play football everyday. If we want to be master in english so we should stud english everyday. So, we should do actions or doings that can lead us to reach our dream.

Talking about success, many people get wrongness in definition. They define success as material only. For example, they want to get a lot of money for their life. But actually, the meaning of success is not only that. Beside for getting money, we also should spread our money to other people who need it. It mean that our success is not only for ourselves but also for others. Beside that, the true success is not only in the world, but also in hereafter. For example, we want to be master in english. So. It’s not only for the world but also for hereafter.

So, we should have good view in looking success. Not only “world view” but also “hereafter view”. We make balance between world and hereafter. Success in the world and also success in hereafter. And we should prefer hereafter than world. :)

Surabaya, October 17, 2014


My brother, I am in high spirit now. I am also happy. Why? Because there is new lecturer in our class in post graduate program, UINSA Surabaya. His name is Prof. Dr. Ahmad Imam Mawardi. He taught about fiqih mua’amalah. He gave us motivations and new understanding about fiqih. Beside that, he is trainer in office of  Indoensian’s cement.

Do you know my brother, he support me to translate classic book. He also will help me. I hope, it can really happen.

Surabaya, 1 November 2014


My brother, today is Sunday. Sunday is holiday for students and also for people who work in office. In my campus, today is also holiday. No activity as usual. So this way, we fill our holiday by playing football in big field, near with beach of Delegan. We played there untill we are satisfied.

After playing football, I was invited by my senior to go to market of campurejo. We bought anything for cooking in kitchen. We bought vegetables, side dish, etc. But before bought it we had bough ice drinking because we are so thirsty. Alhamdulillah, finally we can drink after playing football.

Do you know my brother, majority people who went to in market are women, either seller or buyer. So when we went to there we were like strenght man. Beside that, we wear sport shirt. We were also sweaty because we just played football. But it is never mind for us. We were still confident. :)

Hm...what is a wisdom that we can get from this? What “hikmah” that we can take from my experience. One of wisdom is we should be confident in all of condition. We should make ourselves have high confident in doing goodness. Yeah, I think it is one of wisdom that I get. :)

Panceng, October 19, 2014


I’m happy now because I study english. I like english so much. So I’m happy when I read, listen or write english. I know that I still can’t understand well about english. But God willing, step by step I will be able.

Talking about english, I was ever asked by someone, why do I study english. I answer him by three answers. First, studying english is obligation. Why do I say like that? Because Rasulullah ever said that every moslem, man or woman mus study or look for knowledge. And off course, studying english is one of kinds from looking for knowledge.

Second, english is international language. When we go to some countries in the world they will speak by english. Eventhough they don’t speak by english in their daily conversation, but they will speak by english when they meet strenght person. For example, when we go to Japan, they will greet us by english. Because they know that we can’t speak japanese so they begin by english. It show that english is international language.

So, what is my third answer? Hm..sorry, I forge it. Actually for the last time I remembered it. But now, I forget. Yeah, I’m human like others, so I also can forget. J

Okey, I continoue my writing. English lesson is my lovely lesson since I was in junior high school. When there is lesson of english in class I’m very happy and spirit. May be it can be said that I love english. Yeah, I love english so much.

UINSA’s class room, Surabaya, October 11, 2014


My brother, I get assignment from my lecturer to write by english. I don’t know about quality of my writing. Good or bad. I also don’t know, my writing is true or wrong in grammatical side. The most important I write. What will I write? I will write what is my mind.

My brother, really, I want to be master in english. I want to understand what native speaker say. I also want to understand when I read some texts that is written by english. Beside that, I want to have good capability in writing by english. So this way, when I come to class of english I am so happy. I have good oppprtunity to study more about english.

I admit that I am still stupid in english learning. I am still not master. But I have dream to be master in english. Be master in speaking, writing, reading, and listening. May be my friend will be doubt it. May be my friend laugh when he listen my dream. But I don’t care it. I am sure that imposible is nothing in this world if Allah has decided.

UINSA’s class room, Surabaya, October 4, 2014