Sunday, May 15, 2016


Alhamdulillah my brother, I write again. Two days I didn’t write here. But Alhamdulillah, I write again. I must thank to Allah. It is big mercy from Him.

My brother, I get new spirit again today. What is it? It is about ideal, about goal, about dream. We should keep our ideal eventhough we don’t get it yet. We should keep it. May be, we still don’t reach it because our dream “ wait” us in the suitable time. The suitable time is when we are suitable to reach it.

So, we must make us suitable with our dream. We must effort and be patient until we are suitable.

May we can get reach our dreams quickly. Ameen.

Surabaya, May 11, 2016


Alhamdulillah I am happy again, because I write again here. I hope I can write here consistently.

My brother, I want to write about management of time. Really, management of time is very important. By management of time, we can do what must we do. We will not make our times be futile. We will do all of our times only for goodness.

So, management of times is management of ourselves. Manage or thinking, manage our feeling, manage our activity, etc.

Who can manage his time he can be success. Who can manage his time he will be winner. Who can manage his time he can create many creations. Who can manage his time he can be what he want.

My brother, I will try to practice this. If I can write here everyday, it mean that I can manage my time well. But if I can’t do that, so I still can’t manage my time well.

Ok, I will look it tomorow and days/months/years after tomorrow. I will look J.

Surabaya, May 8, 2016


Alhamdulillah, today I can write again. Really, I am so happy. Because it make me sure that I can be consistent to write and write.

O yeah, I will tell you that one of program PENA Surabaya, “friday article” run well. It was published since yesterday.

PENA is acronim from “Penulis Muda Nusantara”, “Nusantara young writer”. Nusantara is other name from Indonesia. So, it is writing club or writing group. The members are young people who want to be writer. The members are in Indonesia, not only in Surabaya.

Alhamdulillah, I am one of member PENA. I also have sent my writing about “Ilmu dan Peradaban Islam”, “Science and Islamic Civilization”. May be it will be published two weeks later, because my writing is for third edition. First edition is Mr. Robin, second edition is Mr. Syamsul Alam Jaga, third edition is me, and forth edition is Siraj or Mukmin. How about next edition? I forget it. J

I also join API, “Asosiasi Penulis Islam”, “Association of Islamic Writer”. One of the program is wall magazine. So, the writing of API’s member will be publishe in wall magazine. There are two places for wall magazine. First, it is in library of STAIL and second in front of ZISWAF building.

May PENA Surabaya and API’s members can be consistent and can be good writer. Ameen.

Surabaya, May 7, 2016


Alhamdulillah, I am happy now because I can write again here. I hope that I can write here everyday. Consistently. I don’t care about the quality. I don’t care, the readers will be satisfy or not when they read this writing. I don’t care that, because my target is not like that. My target is, how to write here consistently.

I know that may be I repeat my words here. But I think I need process. And this is my process. I know that I am not great writer in English. I know that and I realize that. But it is not impossible thing. I know that I am still stupid and get difficulty in writing by english. But if I write here consistently for 10 years, for example, I am sure that there will be progress in my self. The key is consistent.

The question is, can I write here everyday consistently until 10 years later? I know that it is so difficul. Moreover I must write everyday. Yeah, may be not everyday. But in one month 20 times or more. Yeah, it can be like that.

Hm, the date now is sixth of may 2016. So, 10 years later is sixth of may 2026. Wow. There are 12 months in one year. So in 10 years, there are 120 months. If in every one month I write here minimally 20 writings, so I will own 2.400 writings. Wow, it is amazing. Can I? If Allah give me long age, I will try to reach it. J

Surabaya, May 6, 2016


My brother, on of my dreams is becoming great lecturer. But really, it is not easy. I feel that for this semester. Usually, I am not like this. May be the cause is, I must teach subject that I am still not master in that subject. I still need to study again about that. This wise word: “studying by teaching” is very suitable to me for this time.

But my brother, Forbidden for me to give up. I must not give up. My dream to be great lecturer must be reached. I must study again harder than before. I must study harder and longer than students. I must enjoy the subject that must I teach. I must love the subject that I teach. InshaAllah I can love it. InshaAllah I can do it. Yeah, inshaAllah. J

Okey, thank you for reading. I hope I can write here every day. I hope. May this hope can be realized. Ameen.

Surabaya, April 24, 2016


Alhamdulillah, finally I write again here. I feel that if I don’t do my daily activity (one of it is writing here), I am like dead man. I feel that I don’t have high spirit. I feel that I don’t have advantage in this life. So this way, since today, I want to make active again my daily activity. I don’t care about the quality. My target for this time is I do my daily activity consistantly. For quality, it is the last thing.

My brother, today is Saturday, 27 of February, 2016. I hope I can continoue my effort to make better my self and to spread advantage to the world.

I hope I can. Today, I will continoue what I have begun.

Surabaya, February 27, 2016


Alhamdulillah my brother, I write again. I want to write that we should be better in many aspects because we will find many problems in our life. Day by day, week by week, month by month, we will get many problems and anything that can influence our thiiking.

When we get anything that influence our thinking and  our feeling, we should not make it long time. We should erase it quickly. Why? Because it can make our energy lost. Our energy and power will be used for uneuseful thing.

We should be able to manage our thinking. It is very important in order we can maximilize our times.

Surabaya, February 19, 2016


Alhamdulillah my brother, I write again.

Just now attended meeting of PENA’s organization. PENA is acronim from “Penulis Hidayatullah’ (Hidayatullah writer). Eventhough this program is PENA’s program, but the participans not only members of PENA but also  members of API (Asosiasi Penulis Islam, ‘Association of Islamic writer. We shared about moivation, life, spritual motivation, writing, how to write, etc.

I got big learning and light from ust. Imam Nawawi. He is very energic. He gave us spirit and motivation. He also make me write now. I still remember his statement just now, “a person who has big sin here is Luqman. He graduated from STAIL, then he studied in Gontor. He studied to Mr. Hamid directly”.

MasyaAllah. Why did he say like that? Because I don’t write as graduation of PKU Gontor. I am not acive in writing. And actually, we have many media in Hidayatullah to be writer, that is hidayatullah magazine and mulia magazine.

Important and inspiring word from what he said is, “it is about mentality”. If we have good mentality, we will write eventhough we are busy. But if our mentality is bad, we will not write.

May this can ispired us. Ameen.

Surabaya, February 3, 2016


My brother, this morning I joined seminar of shariah economy that’s held by “Koperasi of Sakinah”. The speaker is Dr. Imron Mawardi. He is leader of MES (Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah) East Java, etc.

Before beginning seminar there was reading al-Quran by Ali Akbar, students of STAIL from third semester. Then, the are two welcoming statements, from leader of sakinah and leader of “Dinas Koperasi” east Java.

First welcome statement is from ust. Ali Sakinah as leader or sakinah. He gave us many importants information about sakinah and about achievement that is reached by sakinah in 2015. The achievement is getting number 1 in best “koperasi” in East Java.

The second welcoming statement is from “Dinas Koperasi” of East java. But unfortunately I forget his name. I surprise because he has lot of knowledges about islamic teaching. It can be look from his speech. And I look, he is near with ust. Ali. Subhanallah.

For the speaker, I think, in my opinion, he is not good in telling the content of seminar. I don’t know too. May be it is only my perception. In my opinion he is not success (not too success) to make audience interisting to what he tell.

My brother, from that program I also know that actually this program is not only seminar, but olso annual meeting among member of sakinah. I also get information that there is special member in sakinah. Their amount is 103. They are asatidz of hidayatullah that become member since sakinah is built. So after dzuhur, they get meeting again for having lunch and dividing of SHU (Sisa Hasil Usaha). Subhanallah.

When I ask to Mr. Daud as official of “koperasi sakinah”, we will get difficulty to be special member like them. I also get this information from Mr. Pujito when I asked him about this. Hm....may be because they have high contribution to sakinah when sakinah is still small. Yeah, may be. But I also have perception like this. This is also way of sakinah to help asatidz who have big contribution to ummah by their dakwah. Subhanallah.

O yeah, I also look ust. Warsito there. When I greet him, shaking his hand, and talk  amoment with him, I get information that he is one of special member of sakinah. Do you know my brother? He is one of my inspirator in my life. He is leader of islamic boarding school of Hidayatullah Sumenep. May Allah save him and give him istiqomah. Ameen.

Surabaya, January 30, 2016


Alhamdulillah my brother, I write again. I get new inspiration today. What is it? It is about finishing our “duty”.

Actually I got this inspiration some years ago from a grandmaster of Islamic boarding School Gontor, KH. Syukri Zarkasyi when I live there. But in that time, it only become my brain consumption. I still don’t think that it is very important and I should practice it.

In that time I only said in my heart, “wow, it is amazing”. But I don’t have high motivation to do it. Today I remember it and I want to practice it.

What he said to us? He said in front us that we should finish 20 kinds of duty (or more) every day. I forget the amount of ir exactly, so I add by explanation: “or more”.

Subhanallah, today I try to practice it. And I feel amazing. It is very important for utilizing my time well and for finishing my duty quickly. I am sure that if I practice this everyday, I will get change in my life. Subhanallah.

Alhamdulillah, today I have finished 16 kinds of “duty”, the remain is 4 “duties” again. InshaAllah I can finish it. J

Surabaya, January 27, 2016


My brother, I got new inspiration today. We should read inspire book/writing everyday. We should not read in one writer only, but we should find it in another person. Because it can help us to get new inspiration. It for making our life powerfull.

My brother, inspiration is very important in  our life. Because our life need it. We need it. It is important thing for us.

My brother, by getting new inspiration, we will get motivation in our life. We will do anything by spirit. Beside that, we need habit. Because like Felix Siaw said, that we need habit to be expert, not only moivation and thinking.

Subhanallah, may we can be success man. Ameen.

Surabaya, January 26, 2016


My brother, I want to write that time never comes back. So this way, we should utilize our times well. The lose man is who doesn’t maximilize his times well. He doesn’t use time in three conditions: for faith, for doing amal shaleh (good deed), and giving advice/remembering each others.

My brother, we should not blame our busy activities. Actually we still have spare time but we are not clever to manage it ewell. We still like to do unuseful action. We still prefer to “play” like children.

We also should not blame other people. We should be good manager and leader  for ourselves so we can decide what must we do.

May we can maximilize our times well. Ameen.

Surabaya, January 24, 2016


Alhamdulillah my brother, I write again.

My brother, today I got important conlusion in my life. What is it? It is about facing life. I have conclusion that whatever happen to us we should take hikmah (learning) from it. Whatever. Including if we do wrongdoing. It will give us new hikmah in our life.

My brother, We should do the best that we can. We should not blame ourselves very deep. If we want to blame ourselves we should give limitation. We as Allah creation is still able to create goodness.

My brother, one thing that I want to rewrite here. Whatever happen to us will give us hikmah (learning), so we should take the learning well. Don’t let it fly to the space and run leaving us.

May we can :).

Surabaya, January 19, 2016