Saturday, May 30, 2015

Way to Read Book Effectively

My brother, usually I write in this lovely blog about motivation, wisdom, diary, and opinion. But now, I will write about tips and trick. I hope this can give advantages to us.

My brother, I will give you tips and trick how to read book well and effective. Many from us have wrong perception about reading book. They think that all of writings must be read completely. So, if their teachers or lecturers  order them to read many books (10-15 books) so they will surprise and shout, “wow,how can I read all of those book”.

Actually my brother, reading many books must not mean that we read all contents/writings from those books. We can read important thing only from those books. And also, for knowing the contents of books we can read the title, the list of contents, the preface, and the description of books in “back cover”. And then, after reading the list contents, we can search what subject that we want to know. So, we must not read all of writings there.

Hm…Okey, may be only this is what I can tell you. I hope in the next time I can write again about tips and trick. Thank you so much for your attention. And I hope this can give advantages to us. Ameen.

Panceng, February 9, 2015

From “Islam and Secularism” Book (1)

My  brother, in this opportunity I will write for new label, “From Books”. So, in this label I will rewrite important sentences in some books and then give comment or explanation from those sentences. I hope it can give advantages.

My brother, I will rewrite to you what Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas wrote in his book “Islam and Secularism”. In page 49, he write like this:

“We have said earlier that Christianity has no Revealed law or shariah such as we have in Islam, and this is because it was not really a revealed religion in the sense we understand. We also said that it has no clear concept of religion except in terms of faith vaguely expressed, and this fact is also related to what is said in the preceding sentence”.

My brother, from this satement, we know that Christianity is not really a revealed religion. When we read some books that there are three religions that are named by revealed religion; Islam, Christianity, and Jewish. But actually, the realy a revealed religion is Islam. Christianity and Jewish are not really revealed religion. Why? Because their holy book (old testament and new testament) have been changed by them.


 Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again. I didn’t write here for long time, more than one month. But alhamdulillah, now I can write again. I hope that I can write here consistently. Ameen.

My brother, I have two possibilities where I will stay in the next year. In Surabaya, or in Panceng (Gresik). It’s according to decision from Surabaya. I still don’t know about it. I only try to make sure myself that wherever I am, I must make and give the best. Because the success is not decided by place, but it is decided by ourselves.

My brother, Panceng and Surabaya are different place. Both of them have positive sides and negative sides. So I should maximilize the positive sides and be careful to the negative sides.
May I can give and make the best wherever I am. Ameen.

Panceng, Gresik, May 25, 2015


 My brother, I feel that I still don’t have special creation in my life. So this way I choose to write here in order I have creation eventhough only writing in this lovely blog. Yeah, I think what I write here is also creation. ;0

My brother, at about last month or two months ago, I decided to stop my target in writing here everyday. Why? Because I follow my friend suggestion to focus in translating project. For the first time, at about one week or more, I still focus in translating. But after that, I didn’t focus again.  The effect is, I didn’t translate and I didn’t write here. I also didn’t do other my daily creations. Hm....then I feel now, what is my creation? What I give to the world? What and what? Hm..

My brother, I think I should make new program in my life. May be I will make active again my daily creation programs. Eventhough I can’t do it all, but minimally there is something that I create. Yeah, eventhough it is something small or very small.

My brother, I also try to compare about my creation/quality this year and last year, this month and lasth month, this week and this week. Hm...

My brother, inshaAllah I will write evryday here as before. InshaAllah. InshaAllah I can. Yeah, inshaAllah. Eventhough not everyday, once in two days or in three days. I hope I can.

Surabaya, April 18, 2015


 My brother, I want to write something. It is about or relation with other people. I think, we should near with the other people. Because, the are two relation in this world. Verctical relation and horizontal relation. Vertical relation is our relation with our God. Horizontal relation is our relation with other peole. We are good man if we have good relation, not only relation with our God, but also with other people.

We will get good relation with other people if we have right perception and viewing. When we look someone, we should think that we are not better than him/her. We also should think that they are my friend and we are not hate to them. If we want to keep hijab, we do it but we are not hate. We should keep our looking/view but it doesn’t mean that we are hate to them or don’t have good relation. If we are in different gender we should not feel special feeling but it doesn’t mean that we are hate them.

Hm...Okey, I think it is enough. May it can give advantages to us. :)

Sidoarjo, April 3, 2015


 My brother, I got new inspiration in my life. Last night, I felt that I got “hidayah” (guidance) from Allah. In that time my heart was calm and I could enjoy in worship Him. But before that, I tried to make my self better than before. Because I felt that yesterday I was in bad condition. Bad condition in my heart and mind. But alhamdulillah, last night I could be “normal” because of Allah help. :)

So, for getting “hidayah”, I think, we need to ask Him like we read in prayer when we read surah al-Fatihah: “Ihdinaa as-shiraatha al-mustaqiim”, “Give us hidayah in straight path”. Then, we look for the “hidayah”, and the last we make a effort by hard effort.

 Therefore, for getting “hidayah” we should not only wait and wait. Because I ever got statement like this, “I only still wait ‘hidayah’”. Hm...Off course, it is not true. The true one is, “hidayah” must be asked, looked for, and tried by hard effort. Yeah.

Okey, I think this is enough. I hope it can give advantages for us.  Ameen.

Panceng, Gresik, April 1, 2015


 My brother, I want to write something. Actually, if among men and women stay in a class room, is allowed or forbidden in Islam? If there is someone said that it is allowed because of “darurah”, how the best methode in “muamalah”? How?

My brother, I am in that situation. I am studying in Islamic University but man students and woman students are not separated. All of them (man and woman) are in class room. I want to keep hijab, but I want to be good friend. I dont want to be “silent student” or “kaku” student. I want to be good man. I want to be good moslem. But how the way?

My brother, I ever asked this to someone. He said that, the most important, we should have sensitivity in hijab. Don’t make our hijab sensitivity decrease or lost. about me? Hm...

I also ever asked to one of ustadz. He said that hijab is our sensitivity which one is allowed and which one is forbidden. brother, I hope I can keep myself. I also hope that I can be good man, good moslem. But, I also want to be good and reala friend to my friends. :)

Surabaya, March 20, 2015


Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again now. For several days I don’t write here. But alhamdulillah, now I can write.

My brother, I think, we should read motivation book regularly in order we can get spirit everyday. If we are lazy to read, we can listen motivation audio or watch motivation video. It can refresh our spirit and remind us.

Just now I read a motivation book written by Sholikhin Abu Izzudin. The title is “Deadline Your Life”. I still don’t do it completely, But alhamdulillah I have gotten spirit. InshaAllah I will contioue reading it.

My brother, one of important thing that I get is, we should deadline our life like a reporter have deadline to make a news that can be headline. He also said that we should deadline time for finishing our target, not time for begining it.

My brother, so many target that I don’t reach it. Many times. The question is, why? Hm.....

My brother, I get a beatiful sentence from this book and I am going to write it now. The sentence was quoated by author from someone. The sentence is like this, “If you are in high spirit condition, you should maximilize it as you can. If you are in low spirit condition, don’t go anywhere and do it for doing something  that can entertaint you but in goodness”.

Subhanallah. So, we should maximilize our high spirit times, and we should do goodness and can give entertainment when low spirit times come to us.
May we can J

Panceng, January 28, 2015