Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Alhamdulillah my brother, I write now. I have target to write here everyday. I know that I still can’t write everyday. I look it in the reality. My writings that I have published was not written everyday.

So this way my brother, I have idea that if I don’t write in this lovely  blog in a day I will get punishment. What is the punishment? The punishment can be changed as I need. But for the first time, I will slap may check. 

Actually my brother, I have this idea after I look phenomena in boarding school where I live. When students are commanded to memorize or do anything, most of them are lazy. But if there are regulations (there are punishmen)t so they do it well. They can do it maximallay. So this way, I think, I should try it in my daily activity and my daily creation. If I don’t do what must I do, so I will get punishment. The punishment is done by myself.

I hope by this way, I can be better. I hope. :)

Panceng, January 21, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015


My brother, I must write. I don’t care wether my writings is good or not. The most  important, I write now.

My brother, I was hoped to write in one of site in Indonesia. But  until now, I write again. I should keep my spirit that I must be able to make a writing. Yeah, I must be spiirit.

My brother, writing is not easy. Moreover,  good writing. Difficult. But I want to motivate myself that  I can do it. Yeah, inshaAllah.

My brother, in this mornig I was asked to go to Surabaya. I hope that I can get safety. Ameen.

Panceng, January 16, 2014

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


My brother, I have new challenge in my life. I was asked to write in one of popular  Islamic site in Indonesia ( For the first time, I was asked about kind of writings that I like in that site. I said that I like to write about muslim lifestyle. Then, I was ordered to write there. I also got explanation that this is training to be writer. 

My brother, writing in this site is not easy because the writing must be good. But I was asked. Subhanallah. It is gold opportunity. This opportunity  will not come twice. So I should receive this challenge. 

I ever wrote in my facebook that we should make our duty as challenge, not burden. If we make it as burden, our life will not be enjoy. We also will be stress. So, the way is make it as challenge, hobby, something we need and ibadah. 

InshaAllah our life will be colorful and enjoyable. We also will do our duty by high spirit.

Therefore, I will make this “request” as challenge and ibadah to me. I know that I still get difficulty. But inshaAllah I will try. I will pray to Allah. 

Actually I can not. But by Allah help, insyaAllah I can. 

Panceng, January 14, 2014

Monday, January 12, 2015


Alhmadulillah my brother, I can write again. My last writing here is in first of January 2015 and now is in eleventh of January 2015. So I don’t write here for 10 days. Wow, it is great. I must make my self better than before. Yes, must be.

My brother, yesterday was my last meeting for studying in first semester  in UINSA Surabaya. InshaAllah we will begin the second semester in March 2015. Two days again. So I hope opportunity to read books and study deeply about economy, fiqh mu’amalah, etc. Because I know that I am still stupid in this subject.

My brother, I will study about econometric, microeconomy, macroeconomy, etc. I must study well about it. If I want to be master in shariah economy, I should dominate it. May be now, I am still like this, but in the next time I must be able. Better than before. Moreover, if I can, I “defeate’ my friends in the class.

Beside that, I will write continously in my own blog written by Indonesian blog. The addres is “”. I will write there anything. May be for the first time I will write simple writing like meaning of obligation, etc. And for the next time I can write “heavy” article. Ameen.

Let’s pray each other brother. May you become success and may I can be success too. Ameen.

Panceng, January, 11, 2014

Thursday, January 01, 2015


My brother, alhamdulillah I can write again. Alhamdulillah I still live in this world so I still have opportunity to make myself be better than before.

My brother, do you know that today is first January of 2015. So today is new year. Today is the first day in this year, 2015.

Last night I join end year evaluation program. So we evaluated ourselves. What are our mistakes and weakness in 2014. We should find it. After finding, we make commitment that in 2015, we will erase it and make it stronger and better.

My brother, we need evaluation in our life. I ever get knowledge from someone that for getting success we only need 10% in action. And we need 90% for evaluation. So, in this new year, let us evaluate ourselves in order we can be better in many aspects.

May we can J

Panceng, Gresik, January 1, 2015