Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Alhamdulillah my my brother, I write again now. I hope that I can write every day here. Ameen.

My brother, just now I have a conclusion after looking what has happened to me. I should struggle in this life totally, maximally, not a half. If I do my struggle totally, inshaAllah the result is good and maximal. But if I don’t do it totally, I will not get anything. Subhanallah.

My brother, I think this life is struggle. We should try and effort to get the best in this life. And we should remember this that what has happened to us is the best for us. Allah examine us to be patient and be near to Him. He also give warning to us to avoid mistake and sin.

My brother, this is the life. Life in this world. We should remember that this life is temporary. The eternal life is hereafter after death come to us.

My brother, we shoul always be carefull. We don’t know when angel will take our soul. When he come to us and want to take our souls we should be in good condition. Reading Quran, praying, remembering Allah, or the others.

My brother, this is life is msytery. We don’t know, what will happen to us in the next time. But we should prepare ourselves well. We must be ready in all of conditions. Whatever happen to us in this world, we must be ready. This world is only field to go to hereafter.

Yeah, we should be ready, enjoy and get happiness in all of conditions. J

Panceng, December  24, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014


Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again now. I hope I can write everyday here. Ameen.
My brother, I have friends who have good capability and knowledge in my class. I must competate with them. I should “defeate” them. I know that  I am beginner. They are in front of me. But I will run after them. Must be. I must be able to defeate them.

In Islam, there is an excellent concept. It is competion in goodness (fastabiquu fil khoirot). So, I should do this concept. It doesn’t  only  become theory to me, but also practise.

My brother, I know that I am really beginner in studying about shariah economy. I am also beginner in translation. But I don’t need to say it frequently. In shariah economy class I have studied for one semester. So, it is not short time. So, I must be able to dominate what should I dominate. I must be sure that I can. Not only them but also me.

My brother, I also breake the breakers of my success. I must kill them. Don’t make them come in to my body, my thinking, my feeling. It is very danger. I must get high spirit. And the way to get high spirit is by killing my breakers and also by writing here. :)
Okey my brother, may I can :)

Surabaya, December 20, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again now. I hope that I can write everyday here. Ameen.

My brother, just now I attended wedding party invitation from my friend. It was held in our Islamic boarding school. When I look his story and his struggle to get marriage, I get hikmah that “our candidate partner” was prepared by Allah to us.  I still remember that he has tried to propose of marriage for twice. First effort was failed because suddenly the girls canceled and denied to get marriage with him. The second, he get difficulties recuitments from the woman’s family. And now, subhanallah he get wife from family of our lecturer and guardian/educator. Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah.

It get big hikmah that we should not worry to our candidate partner. Allah has prepared the best one for us. But we should repair ourselves, we should make better ourselves from all of aspects. Our thinking, our character, our prayer, our attitude, our knowledge, our habit, etc. If we want to get pious partner, so we should make ourselves pious man. Yes, it is true. J

Surabaya, December 21, 2014

Tuesday, December 09, 2014


Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again now.
My brother, I am happy today because my earlier perception is wrong. I think, it because of pray to Allah (my pray and my friends pray) and because of effort (my effort and other person help).

I am also happy because just now I taught my students by high motivation and using good methode (inshaAllah).
Alhamdulillah my brother. I must thank to Allah because this happen because Him. J

Panceng, 9 December 2014

Monday, December 08, 2014


Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again now.

I want to write that I get duty from my lecturer. Next week must be given to the lecturer. So I have limited time. I want to motivate myself that I must be able to do it well. I can try hard. I can effort hard. I can do as possible as I can. I can make the best of it.
I know that it is difficult to me. But inshaAllah I can by Allah help and try hard.

May I can. Ameen.

Surabaya, December 8, 2014

Sunday, December 07, 2014


Alhamdulillah my brother, just now I changed Mr. Fatoni to teach third semester from extention class in STAIL (Islamic College of Luqman al-Hakim) Surabaya. The subject of study is “tadrisul Quran”. Before dhuhur I also was asked by Mr. Idris to change him in the first semester. I was asked to teach about Islamic Though.

Alhamdulillah, I have done this mandate. And alhamdulillah, I think, I have tried the best. I don’t know the result is the best or not. But alhamdulillah, I get happiness and my spirit grow after teaching. It increase my confident, alhamdulillah.
I hope, in the next time I can give and try better than today. Ameen.

Surabaya, December 7, 2014

Friday, December 05, 2014

What is Islam

What is my opinion about Islam? This question was asked to me. So I will answer this question by my perception and what I have known.

I think, Islam is only true religion and the other religion are wrong. I said like this is not because I am muslim. But, I have conclusion like this Because I study about Isla as religion. And also, because so many people in this world have converted to Islam.

How can I say that Islam is only true religion? To answer this question we should remember one thing, that the true religion can be looked from it’s holybook. When I compare holybook of hply Quran with other holybooks are so different. The other holybooks have so many weakness. When we open the other holybooks like bible, etc we will get conclusion that those holybooks was not made by God, but it was made by human being.

And then, how about al-Quran? When we open al-Quran in the “preface” (second first from suraah al-Baqarah) we will get amazing statement: “There is no doubt in al-Quran”. Imagine this. Allah as God said that no doubt in al-Quran. If this statement is made by human being, it is impossible and unreasonable. Why? Because usually, if we open preface of books the author will say that they have weakness and other similar statements.

Hm...actually I want to write more about proof that al-Quran is true holy book and was not made by human being. But unfortenately, I have no more times.

As a conclusion, I will tell you that only muslim who can enter to paradise. It is not like some intelectuals who said that every people can go to paradise. Once again, only muslim who can enter to paradise.

Surabaya, December 5, 2014

Thursday, December 04, 2014


My brother,  I get a motivation from my friend. He said that we should fear to Allah, not to other. Subhanallah. I also get big inspiration from his statement. His statement is taken from al-Quran.

And then, he also said that when Allah give us “disaster” or something like that it can be 3 possibilities. Punishment from Allah, reminding from Allah, and we will get forgiveness and reward. And he explain that all of it can be one. I mean here, the “disaster” or something like that happen to us contains from 3 things; Punishment from Allah, reminding from Allah, and we will get forgiveness and reward. The most important, what Allah do is for our godness and it is sign that he love us.

My friend also added that when we do mistake or wrongdoing we will be hated by Allah, but Allah doesn’t hate to us, He hate to our bad doing. Subhanallah.

May we can take learning and wisdom from his statement. Ameen.

Panceng, December 4, 2014

Monday, December 01, 2014


Alhmadulillah, let’s thank to our God, Allah because he still gives us many things.

My brother, yesterday I was aked by my friend to change him to teach/accompany students in regulas class of STAIL (Islamic High School of Luqman al-Hakim) Surabaya. Really, it is first time to me. In regular class, the students are not only men like in takhassus program, but also girls. So this way, it is new challenge for me.

I motivate myself by thinking that if I want to be better and grow, I should brave to face new challenge. And alhamdulillah, I can do this well, inshaAllah. Alhamdulillah, I have tried to do and give the best, eventhough I don’t know whether the result is the best or not. Minimally, I have tried the best, insyaAllah.

Alhamdulillaah my brother, by this happening, my spirit and motivation be higher than before for reaching my dreams. Hm....I ever have willing/dream to be speaker in front of people like in seminar program, stadium general, workshop, or others.

Subhanallah, may I can reach it. Ameen.

Panceng, December 1, 2014