My brother, since
Friday (two days ago) I came in class in UINSA (Islamic State University of
Sunan Ampel) Surabaya for postgraduate program. Alhamdulillah I get new friends
and lecturers. In the first meeting we as students get duty from our lectures
to make a paper.
Do you know my
brother, how many referance that we must use for this paper? 15 referances.
Among of it must be there English and Arabic language. The paper must be
written minimally in 15 pages.
I still remember what
one of lecturer (Prof. Dr. Ali Aziz, MA) said. Make this duty as a challenge,
not burden. If we think this duty is burden we will get pressing, stress, and
we will feel that we are forced. But if we think it is challenge we will do it
happily and enjoy.
Hm..may be I will
increase it. We also should do this duty sincerity, because of Allah, because
of paradise. Is it right? :)
Surabaya, September
14, 2014