Monday, August 05, 2019


Alhamdulillah, finally I write here after “sleeping” for long time. Really, writing is very important, but I don’t do it. It is big problem in myself. I hope that I can write consistenly. Ameen.

My brother, just now I get new inspiration and I want to write it here. I am afraid this inspiration will be lost if I don’t write it.

My brother, great teacher is different with favorite teacher. Favorite teacher is teacher who is loved by his students. And great teacher, for me, is teacher who can make his students understand what he teach. So this way, great teacher must understand what he teach.

We can make analogy like this. If we want to put water to a glass from a bottle, so we must fill the bottle by water. Because if the bottle is empity, how can the bottle can put water to the glass.

If a teacher want to spread knowledges to his students so he must own the knowledge. How can he will transfer the knowledege to his students if he doesn’t own knowledge.
MasyaAllah. May we can great teacher. Ameen.

Surabaya, April 4, 2017 


Alhamdulillah my brother, today I get the miracle of al-Quran. Only by reciting it, my soul get calm again. My thinking is fresh again. Whereas, I only recite it. I don’t explore the content.

By this experience, it add my belief that al-Quran is medicine to the heart and soul. Al-Quran is main solution to this life. It is our guidance that can guide is to the righ way. By following it’s teaching, we will not be mislead.

May we can make al-Quran be our guidance in daily activity. Ameen.

Surabaya, December 9, 2016

Friday, May 12, 2017


Tonight I am in library of STAIL. I am sitting down on the floor. There are some students of STAIL around me. What are we doing here?

We gather here for studying english. All of us are members of STAIL English club. So, every thursday night we go here for studying english. We memorize vocabularies, make writings , disucussion, etc. We do it all by english.

We will not *promise* to be consistent. But we will try, we will make an effort to be consistent.

Actually, some members of STAIL english club plan to attend this program tonight. But they *cancel* the planning because they must join KKN's meeting. Yeah, six semester's students will face KKN program at about 3 months later. So, they should get meeting frequently.

But alhamdulillah, eventhough six semester's students can not join english club program, the members from forth students can join the program. Alhamdulillah.

I hope, that this program can run consistently. I hope, we can *defeate* our laziness that can destruct, and then we can be active in this club.

The last, I also hope to all of members, specially for me, on order can join this club sincerity. We do it because of Allah.

We should not hope  attention and praise from human being. We also should not *admire* to ourselves. We must make it far away from ourselves.

May we can do it. Ameen.


Surabaya, March 4, 2017

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again here. I hope that I can write every day. Ameen.

Mt brother, we as human being has a lot of willing and hope. But we forget that we have weakness. We want to dominate the world, but we forget that we are small. We want to reach anything that we want, but we forget that it is possible.

We forget to the strongest, our God. We forget Him. We want to be like Him. No, we can't. We are very weak and He is very very strong.

We only have wiling and hope, but He must be able to get what He want.

MasyaAllah. How small and weak we are.

Surabaya, December 10, 2016

Thursday, December 08, 2016


Alhamdulillah my brother, I can write again now. Now I join meeting in office of STAIL (Islamic College of Luqman al-Hakim) Surabaya. We discuss about steps to upgrade this university. We want to move from low class to be middle class.

We discuss about  service, human resources, learning, marketing, etc.

STAIL now has 3 departments; Islamic Education   Management, Islamic Communication and Broadcasting, and syariah economy.

We hope that this hope can be realized. May Allah help us. Ameen.

Surabaya, December 8, 2016

Wednesday, December 07, 2016


Alhamdulillah I write again now. I hope I can write every day here. Ameen.

My brother, for getting spirit we need help from Alllah. So this way, we should pray to Him in order we get high spirit. Beside that, we should leave bad thing. For leaving bad thing we should do good thing.

Based on my experience, if we interact with al-Quran more, we will get high motivation and we will leave bad thing. So, in my opinion, interaction with al-Quran is number one. We should not do anything except we interact with al-Quran before.

Interacting with al-Quran can be recite it, memorize it, practice it, etc. May we can interact with al-Quran more than before. Ameen.

Surabaya, December 7, 2016


Alhamdulillah my brother, I write again here.

Just now I attended meeting with BEM’s member. MasyaAllah, alhamdulillah, they have spirit for making BEM’s member run well. They also give some important suggestions. I also look them by different view. They are not only students now, but they also BEM’s member. MasyaAllah.

May they can make BEM better than before. Ameen.

Surabaya, November 17, 2016